August 31, 2010

I was not able to bring myself to write this weekend. I had treatment #7 on Friday, I am officially more than half way through. On a sour note, this was my most difficult treatment yet. I felt very nauseous and all together terrible. I am starting to come back around and will hopefully be feeling well by the weekend. I also bid farewell to my hair this weekend.

August 22, 2010

I have felt great this weekend and my counts are up! Amber, Ivano, and Braeden visited this weekend. We had a lot of fun and they left too soon. Back to work this week. My lung functions test came back normal, so I will be able to get my full dose of chemo this week. I dread going to my treatments even though I know it's saved my life.

August 18, 2010

Nine years ago today, Wesley and I were married. Over the past nine years there have been many trials and tragedies but we've come out of them stronger than before. I don't know what the next nine years have in store for us but I know that together we can get through anything. So here's to many more...

August 13, 2010

Apparently I have not evoked the right amount of enthusiasm today and now that I'm not feeling well I definitely don't. However, we got wonderful news today. My cancer is technically in remission. My CT Scan showed that the lymph node shrunk 80% and the PET Scan showed that it was no longer taking sugar. Due to the scarring that Hodgskins causes it will probably never completely be gone but it is no longer active. I will still need to complete my remaining 6 rounds of chemo and possibly some radiation.
Thank you all so much for all of your prayers and help, I couldn't do this without you. We are half way there!

August 11, 2010

All of us women at some point or another think what we wouldn't give to never have to shave again, many get painful laser treatmetns and waxes. It turns out that there is a trade off. All you have to do is give up the hair on your head.

August 7, 2010

I know that cancer can take away many things but I feel mostly like it has given me a lot, namely perspective. I've always had grandiose visions of saving the world but of course I don't have time to save the world. It is only now that I realize that it is the small things that you do that make a difference. While I used to put Alanna off when she wanted to do something with me, I now take wonder in each little moment we get to spend together and realize that very soon she will be a grown up who may not want to bake a cake with me.I always imagined that I would be the one taking care Wesley and how he has amazed me. I have never loved him more and not for any over the top gesture nor have I discovered this fact while on a fantastic vacation with him. It is again the little things, he patiently waits for me to come around from each treatment, he makes grilled cheese sandwhiches for me at 11 o'clock at night, and somehow he still thinks I'm beautiful. And as my best friend of 16 years moved away today, I realized how I have been putting her off for years. While she lived only a few minutes away, rarely did I make an effort just to go and spend time with her, now to see her I will have to travel thousands of miles. I know that the Lord chooses our journey for a reason and I am grateful for what I am able to learn along the way.

August 2, 2010

I think I may have set a new world record for sleeping. All I did this weekend was sleep, which is really boring by the way. I'm not feeling too bad, I may even stop by the office tomorrow.